(PDF 2023) Unleavened Bread of Life:
The Birth and Divine Timing of Jesus the Messiah
by H. William Glassman
Unleavened Bread of Life is the first book to identify the true birthdate of Jesus Christ and prove this date through several scientific and historic means.
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Unleavened Bread of Life Contains:
In chapter 1
- Christ’s Birthdate as recorded by the Early Church
- How Christmas became recognized as December 25 in the West after it was morphed from Christ’s actual birthdate
- How Christ’s birth was identified as January 6th in the Armenian Church and January 7th in the rest of the Eastern Churches
In chapter 2
- The year Solomon’s Temple was constructed and date of its dedication
- When the Courses of the Priests began and Zacharias received Gabriel’s message from God
- When John the Baptist was born
In chapter 3
- Jesus Christ conception on Av 9
- When Mary told and Gabriel instructed Joseph
In chapter 4
- When the Roman census occurred during which Christ was born
- When Quirinius was ruler of Syria
In chapter 5
- When Mary visited Elizabeth and how long she stayed
- When and how Joseph took Mary as his wife
In chapter 6
- How long Mary and Joseph stayed in Bethlehem after Christ was born
- When Mary and Joseph traveled to Egypt
In chapter 7
- When the reigns of the rulers were that were listed in Luke 3 marking the start of John the Baptist’s and Christ’s ministries
In chapter 8
- How Jews of the day regarded Jesus Christ and how Jewish tradition affected Christ and the “holy” family
In chapter 9
- Who the magi were
- Where the magi came from
- When the magi followed the star
In chapter 10
- Heavenly signs pointing to Christ’s birth
In chapter 11
- What the Star of Bethlehem was
- When the Star of Bethlehem appeared
In chapter 12
- When Christ cleansed the Temple and declared His body to be the Temple of God
- How John 2 identifies when Christ’s ministry began
- Identification of the 46th year since the Temple was being constructed
In chapter 13
- How the Daniel 9 seventy-weeks prophecy has its Messiah fulfillment in Jesus Christ
- What the decree to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem was and when it occurred
- The exact moment the 69-weeks until Messiah, 483 years, was completed
In chapter 14
- Why Christ celebrated the Last Supper a day ahead of when the Jews celebrated Passover
- How the Last Supper was Christ’s Passover with His disciples
- A lamb was part of the Last Supper meal
- How Christ acquired a lamb for the Last Supper meal and how He obeyed the laws regarding keeping the lamb for four days
In chapter 15
- The date of Christ’s trials and His Crucifixion
- Christ’s trial before the Jews
- Christ’s trial before Pontius Pilate
In chapter 16
- The timing of Passion Week and the day of the week Christ was Crucified
In chapter 17
- The length of Christ’s ministry on Earth
- The year Christ was Crucified
In chapter 18
- When the Resurrection occurred
- The year of Christ’s Resurrection
- The fulfillment of the three days in the Earth prophecy of Christ
In chapter 19
- The Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium
- Coins on the eyes of Christ which date the earliest point of His burial
Unleavened Bread of Life includes around 800 endnotes and 300 items in its Bibliography which provide the evidence for the chapters and the in depth scholarship reflected in appendixes concerning the following:
Sacred History
- The Timing and Rules of Purification
- The Timing of the Divisions of the Priests
- Where Mary Gave Birth
- Proof Jesus Christ was Sinless
- Last Day of Christ’s Life before Crucifixion
- How Christ Was Condemned by 6:00 a.m.
- The Movement of the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium (face-cloth) of Christ
- The Christmas Dating of Hippolytus
Secular History
- Roman Censuses and the Oaths Required in a Roman Census
- Herod the Great’s Years of Reign and Date of Death
- The Two Censuses while Quirinius was Governor of Syria
- The Dating of Tiberius’ Co-Regency
- The Meaning of Roman Titles and The Prutot on the Eyes of Christ and the correct dating of the Prutot
- Calendars in use during Christ’s ministry. The timing of the day during Christ’s ministry, the timing of the day within the gospels